Thierry Montéran


Offices : Paris office

languages : French / English


Who am I?

Puppeteer, who became a lawyer since January 16, 1980, I decided to “put down my plate” after 6 months of training, and then I was convinced of the need for lawyers to regroup and specialize.

From a good association and after a visit to the firm Arthur Andersen, I participated, alongside Jean-Jacques Uettwiller and Jean-François Canat, in the creation of UGGC Avocats in 1993.


The combination of our differences has allowed us to gather and unite other talents that have made UGGC successful.

My practice

My core business is the right of struggling companies in which at all levels I work with a loyal team that I appreciate and for all sorts of businesses, from the smallest to the most important in all regions of France.

I attach particular importance to sharing, which led me to organize trainings and write many articles.

Aware of the loneliness of the entrepreneur in difficulty, I joined Thierry Bellot alongside the accountants in the creation and success of the CIP National, which I chaired for three years.

As an activist in the service of companies, I took part alongside Agnes Bricard, President of the Conseil Supérieur of the Order of Chartered Accountants, to create prevention insurance to finance measures to prevent companies in difficulty.


  • Président de la Commission "entreprises en difficulté" de l’Association des Avocats Conseils d’Entreprise (ACE) (Depuis 2004)
  • Associé et co-fondateur, UGGC Avocats (1993)
  • Avocat, Barreau de Paris (1980)
  • Certificats de spécialisation : droit commercial et droit des sociétés
  • Maîtrise en droit de la Faculté de Paris II-Panthéon Assas, Institut d’Etudes Judiciaires
  • Administrateur de l’Institut Français des Praticiens des Procédures Collectives
  • Membre de l’Union Internationale des Avocats (UIA)
  • Directeur scientifique de la Gazette des Procédures Collectives
  • Président du CIP National (Centre d’Information sur la Prévention des entreprises en difficulté)
  • Exercice individuel puis Associé du Cabinet Errera, Ménard et Montéran
  • Rankings

    (Thierry Montéran quoted in 17 rankings)
    Leaders League 2021 – UGGC Avocats, ranked in 2 categories in Compliance & Fraude
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    Best Lawyers 2022 - UGGC Avocats, awarded "Law Firm of the Year" in Public Law and 11 partners recognized "Best Lawyers"!
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    Option Droit & Affaires 2021 - UGGC Avocats ranked in 4 categories in Litigation & arbitration
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    Legal 500 2021 - UGGC ranked in Insolvency
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    Legal 500 2021 - UGGC ranked in dispute resolution: commercial litigation
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    Option Droit & Affaires 2021 - UGGC ranked in 2 categories in Restructuring
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    Leaders League 2021 - UGGC Law firm, ranked in 4 categories in Litigation & Arbitration
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    Leaders League 2021 - UGGC Law firm ranked Excellent in Restructuring
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    Le Magazine des Affaires 2020 - UGGC ranked in restructuring
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    Best Lawyers 2020 - UGGC teams awarded Best Lawyers in 16 practices
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    (Thierry Montéran appears in 17 news)
    The simplified judicial procedure for the health crisis management: a new temporary tool for dealing with distressed businesses
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    Thierry Montéran, appointed member of the National Council of Bars for a 3-year mandate
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    The beneficiary of a security interest for a third party escapes from the bankrupcy proceeding of the settlor … For now
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    The derivative action is not on the plan performance supervisor jurisdiction
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    Thierry Montéran interviendra à la conférence des échos events sur Retournement des entreprises qui aura lieu jeudi 27 avril 2017 aux salons Hoche à Paris.
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    L’Ordre face à l’avocat en difficulté financière
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    Publication d’un article par Thierry Montéran intitulé Indépendance et mandat de justice
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    Publication d’un article par Thierry Montéran intitulé Du juriste en entreprise à l’avocat en entreprise
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    Publication d’un article par Thierry Montéran intitulé Tribunaux spécialisés : c’est parti !
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    Thierry Montéran est nommé membre de la Commission nationale d’inscription et de discipline des administrateurs et des mandataires judiciaires
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    Publication d’un article par Thierry Montéran intitulé La procédure de sauvegarde en danger
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    Un progrès social spectaculaire : la protection légale du patrimoine personnel
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    La peur du tribunal : entre prévention et répression
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    Impartialité, droits de l’homme
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    Le vade-mecum du plan de cession “prepack”
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    Programme de la 10ème édition des Entretiens de la Sauvegarde
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