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The production of foreign language documents before the courts in Morocco

The translation into Arabic of documents in foreign languages that litigants, particularly foreigners, wish to use before the Moroccan courts became optional following the adoption by the House of Representatives in Parliament of Article 14 of the draft law on the organisation of the judiciary in the Kingdom. It is true that under the previous system, case law often qualified the obligation to translate all documents into Arabic. For example, the Casablanca Court of Appeal has always required Arabic for the main pleadings (applications, submissions, etc.) but not for the evidential and supporting documents (invoices, order forms, etc.), which are (...)
The translation into Arabic of documents in foreign languages that litigants, particularly foreigners, wish to use before the Moroccan courts became optional following the adoption by the House of Representatives in Parliament of Article 14 of the draft law on the organisation of the judiciary in the Kingdom. It is (...)